ITTSB.EU Blog Forum
ITTSB Blog Specific => ITTSB General Discussion => PC computing hardware - software => Topic started by: Kiriakos GR on August 07, 2024, 08:05:16 AM
WOT and or World of Tanks, this is theoretically a Free gaming platform.
But the truth is that the company behind this project has other plans.
World of Tanks EU: This is software version delivered to EU players.
Base concept for players playing Free of charge:
This is random battles with you owning old technology, weak armor, small firepower potentials armored tanks.
Random Battle:
Here comes the ugly concept of WOT.
WOT server intentionally selects mostly new players playing for Free, and as opponents, older high rank players, them having paid and huge in size armored tanks with tremendous fire power.
The outcome is at 80% of times, your team of players to be destroyed.
WOT the company plan:
WOT likes to have your money, and they trying hard to force you, so to activate a WOT account, that you can pay real cash, so to be able to buy upgrades and armored tank models of your choice.
All that related to virtual / on line activity.
Another dream of WOT, this is suggesting you to buy 3D models of armored tanks.
Game play:
The theoretical Team Play concept, this is fast forgotten, when a battle starts.
All young players focusing at the survival of their own tank, and they totally forget their team players.
In rare conditions, and if expert players are in your team, there is a chance to see some sort of solidarity when you are almost crashed by an enemy.
Players with active paying accounts, as soon they get hold of few very heavy armored tank with large fire power, they start behave as single wolfs rather as team players.
These useless farts are hiding and or waiting, most small tanks to be killed first (from both teams) , and they activate their fire power, almost at the end of the game.
Due the chat panel, I did realize that 85% of players they are Russians or Ukrainian and or from Poland.
The theoretical team players that you may talk to due the chat, they do not have education at using English language.
In summary:
Your first Free account at WOT starts as lollipop, 50% of chances surviving in a battle.
As you grow your armored tanks potentials, the server changes tactics, 20% of chances surviving in a battle.
WOT this is not a combat simulator build or created, so to offer Fair Play conditions
Within the Game there is somewhat of fun factor, but 80% of times you feel that all the powers of this universe working against you.
World of Tanks it is designed to be very addictive, it gives the false hope, that by increasing the training of your vehicle crew, and or by upgrading vehicle engine and fire power at maximum supported, that this will be able to gain higher rate of survival ability
Due this dream you get involved with World of Tanks, and you will find your self battling even for five hours or more continuously. :P
A proper description for any one trying to play this, he is a gladiator in to a metal can.
There is no knowledge to master at that game.
In a battle, player reaction time is very sort, there is no chance to remember, weak spots of entire brand and model of armored tanks.
Real life facts:
World of Tanks, this is a platform designed so to keep as customers, one small segment of people.
The ones with extreme interest at armored tanks.
Game server statistics its about 250 up to 400 players on-line 24/24
This is a small number, as worldwide statistics.
75% of that people are old players.
25% of that people are fresh with the hope to grow in the game.
My advice, do not take seriously the hope that you may grow within the game and become a Top Dog.
Just have fun with the gaming action, and winning or loosing this has a minor value. :)
1138 Battles within a month time ? 8)
This is 37,93 battles per day as average (in 30 days).
Unstoppable Fighter (Genuine Greek ) :)
Statistics are good to have.
World of Tanks EU, totally forgot to hold statistics, of how many minutes a player he can survive per battle. :P
All or most battles that WOT server will add you in, will not be of what your firepower can deal with.
The dream of WOT this is to lure you enough, so to start paying real cash, for having an account.
With paid account, your earnings per battle gets double.
Then you can afford to have in your load, expensive canon balls that does higher armor damage.
But WOT hides and a poor surprise, most players are scared kids with big wallets.
There is no brotherhood and teammates and or team work.
75% of scared kids, all that they can think, is their tank survival-ability and nothing else.
If I get randomly teamed with others true warriors, then we do have fun. :)
I did talked with a few friends of my, most people uninstall WOT after the first or second month.
WOT does the known trickery, adding you in servers with high tier tanks, that you do not have a chance to fight against them.
I did talked with a few friends of my, most people uninstall WOT after the first or second month.
WOT does the known trickery, adding you in servers with high tier tanks, that you do not have a chance to fight against them.
What makes me unhappy the most, its the language / communication problem.
WOT .EU this is dominated by underage Russians and Ukrainians, no education of English language.
Another issue this is 85ms average ping server response.
WOT software it self has bugs, I am shooting an enemy, we are both static not moving, he suddenly disappear for five seconds or more, when I am shooting at him.
In conclusion you do not have much of control of what is going on within a battle. :P
WOT Uninstall day arrived. 8)
WOT company will never get my cash for this tiny lollypop.
Generally speaking, all Games today are trash, especially the ones with elevated ranking involved.
The true question today, this is how much electricity you need to waste, so to be part of on-line games with pointless objectives.
Free account or paid, there is no chance your skills to shown at victory score, when the game is fixed, for you to lose.
I found also the WOT cheating download hacks web page. :P
WOT company does not bother taking it down. :P
In conclusion, large tanks, poor fire power, eight years old players, and 150 Hours wasted, so the truth to be found.
WOT War-Gaming was and is a scam.