ITTSB.EU Blog Forum
AC Power Meter | PSU | UPS evaluation | Battery Testers - Chargers | CCTV => AC Power Measurement of appliances & Technical discussion => Topic started by: Kiriakos GR on April 26, 2014, 01:54:24 PM
Since March 2010 that my personal cycle of self education started regarding fresh test and measurement equipment, this March of 2014 I have completed four years of search and research about them.
I could not imagine the size of this rabbit hole, but I did jump in with passion and determination.
The presentation of those pictures below for me is the proofs that my personal cycle of self education is almost complete.
By holding in my hands today all necessary equipment for basic electrical measurements and even regarding basic analysis of waveforms, I do feel confident and complete about dealing and solve most technical challenges that possibly I will face up today and even in the future.
This post has nothing to do about bragging and self promotion, the electrical energy and it transformations are so many in out times, that simply is not easy to manage with out be fully prepared.
By my opinion the most reliable suggestions are the tested ones.
Therefore even this one, is one of them. ;)
With this topic we have the chance to take a look at ITTSB headquarters...
Full of instruments and tools ;)
Your electrical distribution box has not a residual-current device as I can see. Its the main box or a secondary?
With this topic we have the chance to take a look at ITTSB headquarters...
Full of instruments and tools ;)
Your phrase it did made me smile, yes I do own one wide selection of tools and machinery, which are matching my skills.
By accepting an Oscilloscope in my life, I was forced to perform my last personal expansion regarding tools and accessories.
Your electrical distribution box has not a residual-current device as I can see. Its the main box or a secondary?
This is the main distribution box of an building made in 1983, nowadays I have only one machinery using three phase power.
Since the start this space it is registered as workshop.
I have not make any changes at the original installation (wiring), I am just respecting the three phase power, and I do not feel any high risk.
Residual-current device is good to have, but there is always issues with power hungry tools, as for example my 135A Arc welding machine.
Anyway it is a great advance for any technician, to have enough space in his house or out of it (in other place)
for using it as a workshop, also for storage purposes.
Naturally I will agree.
The good part is that by getting older, you do gain the advantage to be more selective in the projects that you will get involved with.
I love that industrial drill and the the drill stand it is a piece of tool that in now days you can't find.The drill is AEG or Black&Decker?the drill stand is also the same manufacturer that made the drill?
Yes both power drill and stand are made by AEG and they are 35 years old at minimum.