My apologies to European Crew of Siglent but text following this Application Note does much with demonstrated images. some one requires him be taken seriously, him first must be prepared in hardware and software level prior him open up in the market.
Specific Application Note at first Testing and Analysis example they mentioning Power factor & Efficiency measurements, delivered by their oscilloscope, and they also advice their readers to look closely at oscilloscope screen so them to see results of power analysis.
If some one manage to see anything else than two active channels in their screenshot them you have special eyes. Now I am going to use this opportunity so to say few serious words to any one seeking for power analysis by the use of Oscilloscopes.
There is currently three brands whom have develop power analysis applications for their Oscilloscopes and Siglent is not one of them.
Technically power analysis by using an Oscilloscope this is possible, but measuring accuracy of 2% or 4% in most electrical parameters (due limitations of Oscilloscope inputs electronic design), such measuring results are not as tight as
0.5% which is the limit set by IEC commission, so the measurement to considered as good enough for taken as fact so this to be used for verification of compliance with European and even American standards.
Power factor, Harmonics, THD %, Stand by power, regular power use, Power: Min / Max, etc, all those parameters are important for a new product classification regarding electrical compliance.
From the other hand all brands Oscilloscope makers, they invented one new marketing window, and by this they accept the fact that their equipment are not good enough for products compliance testing, and they use the description:
Pre-compliance testing. Pre-compliance testing. translates to: You get an idea of how close you are in your target.
Now the one millions dollars question this is just one:
Why to spend a pile of money for
Pre-compliance testing. equipment and software instead getting the real thing an PQ analyzer?
Personally I am following from a distance, this degree of hardware development of PQ analyzers, in latest years I am expecting waveform update rate this to further improve (wfms/S) if it does so, then PQ analyzers them will replace in some occasions the need for Oscilloscopes, and when this starts happening, PQ analyzer this will get larger acceptance as (all in one) tool this now capable even as troubleshooting tool (optical waveform review in real time).
My advice to SIGLENT Technologies, this is their engineers whom write such Application Note, they better start to add their names too.
There is no such a thing as
anonymous Application Note in the world of test and measurement society, worldwide.
Nor we can take them seriously ( Professionally working people in electrical and electronics applications) as we do lacking of necessary degree of humor.