From past decade I am aware of this special product SEKISUI 5760 ( special Double-sided Thermal Adhesive Tape for attaching heat-sink over IC and small power electronics)
Everything started by my engagement with desktop PC enclosure modifications, computer parts overclock, a chaser of max performance in a time domain (era) in which INTEL Celeror CPU this could be clocked from 266 Megahertz (default) up to 350 MHz.
In later years graphic cards them also started to offer this delusion (marketing game) in which few cycles of higher frequencies in their memory chips, this can seem as performance increment, which never was enough to transform one average performing graphic card in to something special.
Either way all this hunting for increased performance it does have and a positive side and this is that you getting familiar with the world of cooling fan.
Suddenly you are now getting interested at measuring temperature, fan speed, air-flow, voltage adjustments, also you become familiar with chip-sets and all electronics architecture that a computer motherboard this is using.
SEKISUI 5760 this is originally a Japanese engineering.
You may attach small heat-sink in applications with expected operating temperature of up to 75 Celsius.
Highest limit for this product this is 120 Celsius for few seconds.
Over the years I did discover and other applications in which this thin layer of SEKISUI 5760, this can solve a problem.
In electrical applications if you have a flat aluminum heat sink and you do require few degrees lower temperature then SEKISUI 5760 it can help by holding in place another heat sink this including fins ( as added help).
Other application this can be holding in place acrylic clear plastic (protective part of multimeter display).