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Author Topic: Industrial Auto-Adjusting Stripper & Cutter 0.2~6mm with 10 Years Warranty  (Read 1627 times)

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Offline Kiriakos GR

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Industrial Auto-Adjusting Stripper many are using this description, for all sorts of hand tools.

This topic explores the smartest in design tool for the listed applications:
• Wiring of industrial panels / Automation and control / PLC electronics.
• High precision cut to length of PVC insulation so to crimp ferrules or other insulated terminals.
• Telephone line round cables.
• Terminal blocks.
• Electrical appliances repair.
• RF, crimped BNC connector assembly.
• Audio, RCA connector assembly.
• Test and measurement, 4mm banana plugs assembly with pure copper wire.
• Miniature connectors assembly, JST VH

Other requirements: 
• No damage aloud at copper strands due stripping.
• Strip to length with repeatable results and minimal error.
• Perfect flush cut of multi-stranded wire.
• Perfect strip over PVC and Silicone insulation.

I am from the people that loves tools, I own several professional and exceptional hand tools.
When you get older, and your eyes vision this slowly degrades, you are forced to trust more the automation features of quality hand tools.

While I am a Greek, and a member of our European Union, I am well aware that the Japanese tool makers are the kings, of what ever relates to quality and manufacturing precision.
Very few people read worldwide history, Taiwan this was a country over Japanese occupation for many years.
The Japanese instead to demonstrate an aggressive face, they selected to gently reform the Taiwanese mindset according to Japanese high standards, by teaching and collaboration. 
When Taiwan become again a free country, this had a quad victory at their industrial sector.
• Know how of Japanese craftsmanship
• Low labor costs
• Ready so to export at western markets of well designed products
• Free to choose best raw materials or parts, from Japan and the USA, so to use at their own industry and products

Nowadays the Taiwanese heavy industry this still stays strong, and by choice stays focused at manufacturing, while their products sold all over the world as rebranded.
Plenty of European based traders, they make money by resale of Taiwanese tools under their own brand / logo.
Taiwanese industry this is also flexible, regarding products manufacturing at strict compliance with foreign standards.


The concept of lightweight automatic wire stripper, this differentiate from regular hand tools.
Its a combination of materials or parts made of steel, and of Engineering Plastics Nylon, along of soft plastic.
The final product is bonded with Laser Plastic Welding.

Such products are not considered as repairable, and therefore consumers best bet, its not them to buy the cheapest.
Within Europe anything classified as industrial, this has as target group professional use by freelancers and workshops.
Tools trading and distribution chain, for these medium to high priced tools, this is performed due the involvement of local physical shops.
Face to face trading has two benefits, as first you may enjoy a minimum of 14% discount from the listed price (as working professional buyer), along easy returns of tools under warranty.   
An business buyer will absorb the VAT, and final cost of ownership this is further reduced.     
The specific Automatic Self-Adjusting for insulated wire stripper, this is Taiwanese product design and in production since 2017.
Firstly imported to EU due a German trader for his domestic market, then another two German traders did that too.
Nowadays many importers worldwide they have also access at the source, that is VATA Tools, Taiwan ROC     8)
We all use our computers so to read product reviews, but about this tool, there is none.

An Greek importer of industrial tools, since the year 2024, he become also an distributor for the domestic market.   
The Greek build to order requirements, are black nylon (body) with a blue attached side cover.

The Greek ingenious marketing this considered V Blade, as equal to piranha fish teeth design. :)
Product pricing in Greece this is at the average side in comparison with other EU countries.
Listed retail price with VAT at 24% 35,85 €

And I paid 31,98 € due working professional discount, at a local store, a major electrical and industrial supplies chain.
Never see before, the Greek marketing of hand tools, to make as flagship the offering of 10 YEARS of Warranty.   

Later on and at my workshop, by removing the tool from it carton blister, I was able to see all it details, these be invisible at stock photographs.
A huge smile came to my face, this is a truly professional grade of a tool !!    ;D  ;D  8)

Worth noted details: 

V shape SK5 blades: A pair of blades them working as one.
Blades function, equal to high precision pair of scissors.

Auto-Adjusting & Front loading mechanism:
Precision engineered wire insertion path (insulated wire diameter precise detection & blades positioning).
No damage at copper strands 0.2mm ~ 6mm Max (PVC Insulated wire diameter)

Automatic Stripper:
Pliers with ratchet mechanism (all parts from hardened steel)
The user has full control over the ratchet mechanism speed, when stripping and or releasing.
Upper tool arm, this used as conveyor for the top blade, this is also made of steel.  ;)

Down jaw = SK5 blade this mounted over Polyamide (Engineering Plastics Nylon)
Upper jaw = Flat steel   
Cutting capacity :
Rigid wire Max 4.0mm² copper / aluminum
Multi strand wire Max 6.0mm² copper / aluminum

Adjustable sliding stop: Strip to length with High precision.
(Squeeze both sides of the plastic stop, it gets unlocked and moves freely.)
Sliding stop when locked in place, this stays in position even when you do fast actions.   
Sliding stop lower point, this has a gap this be 0.50mm wide, at that diameter and down to 0.20mm there is no assistance from the sliding stop.   

Push-button lock mechanism  for easy storage.

Ergonomic handle design reduces hand fatigue.
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Offline Kiriakos GR

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Another detail that I did spotted and appreciated, the tool came greased and oiled from the factory!  8)

I do not know if this Greek importer will honor the 10 Years Warranty.
I did also spotted an German importer with similar warranty offering, but they do offer documentation, that is Limited 10 Years Warranty.
Few tips about specific product pricing worldwide.

USA import this sold as low as 22$ USD.
German import at the outrageous price of 65€
German import at the price of 18.99€ With VAT

And in conclusion, this Taiwanese offering it leaves from the factory in Taiwan, at an proximate price of 8~9$ USD.
Therefore and within the European Union, someone is obligated to do a good research so to find a reasonable price.

At AliExpress there is clone of this tool, there is a Chinese brand acting as seller, with out website and address.
The Chinese also playing the game at selling it as overpriced.
They are also selling spare blades but they seem as made due black steel and not shiny SK5  :P
Skip these idiots and buy from the European Union, the tool or extra blades.

All European imports, they provided a tool, with front loading system of high precision, the blades never touch the copper.
I cannot imagine of how it is possible these blades to get damaged?

As final note, I will say that such a well made tool, this require a soft case and protection.
This is not a regular tool, that you will mix it with other tools in to a large tool box.
It must get protected against dust and humidity, and I do not consider it as drop proof either.

I did find in the local hardware store, Gun style stripper only, at the price of 6 € with VAT, 100% made of plastic, with V shape iron blades.
The best tool for cars electrician, whom will strip wires in the diameter used at electrical harness.
Basically all gun style strippers they are designed for automotive and for 2mm wires as Max. 

Neither an electrician installer he will ever need such high precision and or this specific tool.
They are out there plenty of strippers for solid wires. 


Actual testing results
By design this tool belong at the metric system.  ;)

With the use of my digital calipers I did confirm:
• Adjustable sliding stop set at 18mm = 18 mm insulation removed
• Adjustable sliding stop set at 6.0mm = 5.98mm  insulation removed
• Upper blade travel path 7.55mm (max distance between the two blades). 

• Smallest solid wire (network cable) = 0.85mm Overall Diameter / 0.53mm core
• Smallest multi-strand = 0.86mm Overall Diameter / 0.31mm   
• Multi-strand = 4.71mm Overall Diameter / 2.68mm
Max 6mm supported wire diameter, this translates to actual 5.2mm insulation and 3.12mm conductor diameter.   

• Network cable soft sheath  (CAT6) 5.40mm Overall Diameter
• Network cable hard sheath  (CAT6 for outdoor) 5.95mm Overall Diameter

My tool this passed successfully all tests above. 8)
The Greek importer also informs regarding wire/cable compatibility, copper and aluminum, and cables type of NYAF & NYM.       

Bellow are photographs of the Greek import.
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Offline overvolt

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Congratulations for having a shopping therapy at Kafkas store.

Indeed this tool from it appearance and build quality, I does win bragging rights as extremely durable version from Taiwan.
Enjoy your new KNIPEX Killer !!   ;)   

Offline cluca1969

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I think the original manufacturer is HANLONG and the model is HT-4021. Bernstein uses HANLONG products quite often which he rebrands. I haven't heard much about VATA but rather SATA which is supposed to be a German brand.

Offline Kiriakos GR

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I haven't heard much about VATA but rather SATA which is supposed to be a German brand.

VATA Tools ... this is also the source and from another popular design.
This has flat blades, front loading system this using metal jaws and is manually adjustable for stripping.

I did skip that model (KNIPEX look a like), because I could not find the Taiwanese one, in Europe.
Only a Japanese tool maker makes distribution of it, this is named as ENGINEER Brand in Japan.



Next good read this is VATA Tools ... / About page.. (I did a good reading of it before writing this article).

At both Taiwanese website, these hand tools makers, they use a basic style of presentation, there is nothing more there as information.  :)   

An third model and 100% designed for installer electricians, is this one.
WWW.ITTSB.EU   Industrial Test Tools Scoreboard  (Product Reviews Blog) / Editor in Chief.
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Offline Kiriakos GR

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Here is the next VATA tool, which I added at my wish list.  :)

Good for up to 3x6mm cable sheath.
Good for large wires, car battery etc.etc. 

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Offline cluca1969

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Then how do you explain that next to the name VATA appears the logo and the name of HANLONG ?
If you compare them even visually without reading the technical data you will see that they are identical.
So who is the main manufacturer. VATA or HANLONG ?

Offline Kiriakos GR

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Then how do you explain that next to the name VATA appears the logo and the name of HANLONG ?
If you compare them even visually without reading the technical data you will see that they are identical.
So who is the main manufacturer. VATA or HANLONG ?

The images with both brand logo, this is my work, so my readers to better understand product history. :)

Both VATA tools and HANLONG they are factories and make tools designed by them self's.
Wire stripping tools product range, this belongs to VATA Tools.

HANLONG succeed to expand and export in the USA and Russia, only a single model.
While all Europeans and the Japanese, they do B2B agreements with VATA tools.   
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Offline cluca1969

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From my experience of over 35 years, I can say that HANLONG is also quite widespread here in Europe. I personally own a few tools from them. As I said above, Bernstein Germany also uses products quite often, which it rebrands with their consent, of course.
I don't want anyone to think I'm interested in HANLONG, for wire strippers I prefer German tools like KNIPEX and WEICON.

Offline Kiriakos GR

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This article serves as information resource for anyone who wish to leave behind, the overpricing policy imposed by German brands.

My new Industrial Auto-Adjusting Stripper & Cutter, this is the King of Taiwan.
Precise stripper, not a plastic toy, and a reasonably priced tool for professionals.   

From the other hand, the Chinese which make cheap clones of the higher priced Taiwanese tools, they simply steal westerns money due AliExpress.
These consumers pay between 7 ~ 14 Euro, and their plastic toy does not work more than a few times. :P

This article aims to assist the ones willing to spend up to 30 Euro, so to get a real tool that is almost immune to damage, due it excellent product design.

They are out there and poorly designed tools which sold also at a high price.
And their fate is to survive only for a few months if you are careless, and up to a year if you use it carefully.
WWW.ITTSB.EU   Industrial Test Tools Scoreboard  (Product Reviews Blog) / Editor in Chief.
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