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Author Topic: How fast an Oscilloscope can be? Answer: variable persistence in ms  (Read 10519 times)

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Offline Kiriakos GR

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What is the variable persistence setting on Oscilloscopes? 

1) Minimum value = Enables you to view fast changing waveforms

2) Selectable value in ms =  Enables you to observe glitch that changes relatively slowly or glitch with low occurrence probability.   

Lets compare now the specifications of three modern series of oscilloscopes from known manufacturers.

GW Instek GDS-2000A   variable persistence: 16ms to 10s
RIGOL DS-2000      variable persistence: 50ms to 20s
HAMEG HMO1522  variable persistence: 50ms to infinity
Agilent  InfiniiVision 3000 X-Series  variable persistence: 100ms to 60s
Agilent  InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series  variable persistence: 100ms to 60s

When was a young student the lesson of maths was not my strong point. :)
But even me I can tell which one is faster.

The modern TFT LCD monitors for Gamers can reach even the 3-5ms and this is known from 2011 as technological achievement or specification. 

At  Jan 24/ 2013,  BK Precision send me an email,
asking me why do I care for high VGA resolution on oscilloscopes ?

My public answer will be that today, no one gets an oscilloscope by having in mind to use it for a single application (specific type of measurements).
And so it is expected the new buyer to do his own research, and to discover the most capable one for one large range of applications, so to feel happy and satisfied about his purchase in long term.

My personal standards are: 8", 800x600 native resolution, and fastest as possible.  ;)

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