Fast Acting, Ceramic Tube Fuses these are found within several HH DMM, of low price and at medium price ones.
But can we replace a HRC DMM Fuse by using Ceramic Tube Fuse instead?
The answer is no, for technical reasons.
This rabbit hole starts from a factor named as
Typical Cold. Resistance (mOhms) per fuse type, and next rabbit hole this is named as
Typical Voltage Drop (mV).
According data found at
ASTM (Fuses brand), the
typical 1000V DC/AC, 6x30mm 400mA (ceramic) for DMM.
This has typical Cold. Resistance of
1845 (mOhms)
This causes Typical Voltage Drop of
860 (mV)
From the end of
SIBA, 400mA this mention Typical Voltage Drop of
650 (mV).
This translates to similar manufacturing process.
Now and according my testing at larger in size HRC Fuses for DMM, these 440mA Fuses
they have half or less typical Cold Resistance.
(Bussmann documentation this mention use of
silver at their manufacturing process.) we should filter this pack of information? Here is how, at low current measurements, one DMM designed supporting
high precision measurements, onboard electronics design this also take under consideration
Typical Voltage Drop caused by fuse resistance as this be a plain resistor.
This apply to
high precision bench-top DMM 6 1/2 counts, and also for HH DMM categorized as high-end.
From the other hand, HH DMM these using Ceramic Tube Fuse, at AC and DC Current ranges, these has less tight measuring accuracy specification.
But the most important is, that their circuitry,
this is designed to include a higher in resistance fuse.
In conclusion:For the ones even thinking if an Ceramic Tube Fuse, it can become a replacement of HRC Fuses for DMM?
They better stop thinking of it.