MicroCal 1030 is the first design of Time Electronics UK as portable voltage / current source.
According the users Guide ....... An additional 0 to 8V output can be obtained by using a precision 1KΩ resistor that is supplied with the unit.
The resistor is connected across the output terminals and the 10mA current range selected.
This allows the output to be set between 0 and +/- 8V with a 10mV resolution and an accuracy of 0.3% of full scale.
Today thanks to kind respond of Time Electronics UK, ITTSB has now and sharing from this topic a picture of this magic resistor.
My very own comment is that I would expect this to be a part hosted in to a dual banana accessory.
I do own a 1030 Microcal, but this came to me as used and this 1K resistor was lost.
Violet Band translates to 0.10% precision, and I think that 1W selection seems reasonable as choice, mostly because stability due temperature change will be less influenced.
I hope this topic to be of help and of others who seek finding a replacement of this MicroCal 1K resistor.