Product review or evaluation of any electronic DC load this has some value only when this is tested in to few examples of real applications.
Good examples are discharge of 1.5V battery, 12V battery testing, and 24V pair of batteries testing.
Also of high importance, this is a high quality recording system (data logging) among with respectable in precision multimeter for volts and current, confirmation measurements’.
By running tests at used NICD batteries’ (1600 mAh) for power tools, I was able to come in to several conclusions regarding volts accuracy of ZPB30A1 which I received.ZPB30A1 LED display this is capable of actually just 900 counts of resolution at up to nine volts .
And total upper limit this is 3300 counts (10~33.0 V DC)
Such display resolution this is swallow in comparison even with first digital multimeter at about 70s, this able for 2000 counts.
U1272A multimeter this is 30.000 counts, and in comparison to 300 counts of ZPB30A1, U1272A this seems as microscope.

At specific testing in the range of 1.42V down to Cut-Off point, my measurements’ helped me to understand three details.
First detail this is how off (error %) there is introduced when voltage measurement this is stable.
Second details this is how many counts are needed for ZPB30A1 volts meter circuitry so this to step down 100mV (last digit change to a lower value).
Third detail this is sampling rate in the unit of time (Volt measurements’ per second).
Answers: Detail No1
I got +7mV above actual measurement.
According to specifications’ Maximum voltage measurement error this is 1% or displayed value of ±0.02V at specific voltmeter.
At voltage of 1.3V (this translates to 1300 mV) expected deviation could be Max 1312 mV or as Minimum at 1287 mV.
Actual measured error in my test, this is approximately +0.6% at 1.3V
Detail No2
Voltage display measuring 1.26 volt stayed static when multimeter this started measuring 1.2608 volts all the way down to 1.2438, then DC load LED display this refreshed in to stable 1.25V
Detail No3
Now I will try to explain this in simple English, volt meter circuit this is almost capable for one measurement per second, this introduces smaller error at middle point of discharge curve and much higher error at beginning and end of discharge curve, because there voltage values changing much faster and voltage measurement circuitry it can hardly keep a track of all action.
Some hobbyist thought that they can use data-port of ZPB30A1 for data logging, even if it was working that way (which does not) all recorded measurements’ they would be totally worthless.
One fast multimeter as is U1272A, this does six measurements’ per second and sends one due Bluetooth module at intervals of 1 second.
Therefore complete discharge curve this gets captured by good precision and consistency and such data they worth also to be considered as proof of battery cell performance.
What I did realize or learned from my first serious experience with this constant current DC load, this is that at far more expensive programmable DC loads all consumers should pay attention of how well they performing speaking of their capability in data logging.
From my point of view a major issue this is that currently nor Bloggers nor enthusiasts thought to review DC loads in such detail.
(Internal data logging system performance and PC data, this be compared with an external data-logging monitor)
From the other hand any electronic DC load manufacturer who claims delivery of high accuracy model, he should start delivering (free of charge) printed calibration report.
Neither last nor least, specification which must be known to future buyers this is measuring speed and measuring accuracy of measuring circuit that its model this using.
In summary,Full size DC load its not simple gadget by exception of this semi-finished ZPB30A1 this priced 20~25 E retail with shipping.
What your money buying at Full size DC load, these are housing (metal enclosure), well performing air cooling, precise circuit this set current value, precise electrical measurements’ circuit, precise (and fast) data logging feature, and naturally long or sort product life-cycle.
ITTSB Blog this is now ready due this new pack of experiences among with it new multi channel remote data logging system, to perform worthwhile comparisons of any model or type, of electronic DC load at 300W ~ 600W.
Right now I am very happy especially of three charts below, careful review of them it does deliver combined complete set of all essential information's.