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Author Topic: LF-109-004-V1 PCB type volt meter (32V max) & Manufacturing scam  (Read 10683 times)

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Offline Kiriakos GR

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In my case I did ordered one larger panel meter and due sellers mistake I received one LF-109-004-V1 PCB type volt meter.

By 99% you have searched and find this topic because third connection point this be marked as voltage input at your PCB,  this is not working in any way.
Yes this is the manufacturing scam  :)

From today you must freely assume that when you are buying such a meter with three soldered wires, then V-In this would work.
LF-109-004-V1 PCB which I got this has two soldered wires and this also belongs to the crippled ones ( three wires function this is disabled.)

Now feel free reading true electrical specifications of  LF-109-004-V1 so to not destroy it.
Practically this meter it is not recommended at applications of bench top power supply, but it is usable for 12V & 24V applications ( battery charger) or other.

Product description
Small-sized open-frame (built-in) digital voltmeter of constant voltage

The measurement range is 3 - 32 V.
At a voltage of up to 9.99 V, two digits after the decimal point are displayed, and more than one is displayed.
The power supply of the device is from the source of the measured voltage.

The device has a built-in stabilizer, but it must be taken into account that even a short-term voltage rise of 30 V this can disable it.  ???

Type Digital
Type of measured voltage: DC (constant)
Units of measurement: Volt
Measuring range: DC 2.50 to 32.0V (lower than 4.5V, the brightness will be weaker, but this will not affect the measurement accuracy)
Accuracy: +/- 1.0 (%)
Update rate: 200.0 (ms / times)
Display: three digits 0.36 "
Dimensions: 21.5x13x8 mm

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