Second time gambling with eBay, this time about Shrouded 4mm Banana Female Jack CATII 600V /MAX 19A.
I have some ideas about special projects so to use these but I will have to wait first from their arrival.
Most common use for such female shrouded bananas this is a cable extension, but in order for someone to succeed such a goal, these plugs they should be tested first for mechanical compatibility with test leads banana plugs offered by HIOKI, FLUKE, BRYMEN, Keysight, DEREE and also with dedicated test lead plugs manufacturers as is as for example MC (Multi-Contact).
Therefore soon I am going to have a chance for a new mini-test (Review) which will be significantly interesting one.
As you can see from mechanical drawing, there is one measurement missing, this is thickness of insulation sleeve.
Second detail missing this is quality of the surface of this insulation sleeve.
MC (Multi-Contact) and other factories which they use quality materials as insulator, their plugs they can produced with increased hardness, insulation thickness this is less, surface this is non porous, and sum of these details they do increase compatibility with most to all male Shrouded banana plugs.
Soft Nylon this is easy to melt and to form a product, but maintenance of thickness accuracy at production line, this is not easy to be controlled.