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Author Topic: August 2019 - Laser distance meter 100M Tips for proper MARKET RESEARCH  (Read 20245 times)

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Offline Kiriakos GR

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Month of August this is time for vacations, extreme heat this slow down our body in Mediterranean.

And so I thought to use just my brain and to discover BEST available options of Laser distance meters which they could be BEST Choice for an electrician.'

Large digits,
mobile phone App and or windows PC software,
IP55 or better,
tight measuring accuracy,
warranty plan,
customer support,
spare parts availability,
collection of customer complains regarding product life cycle.

ITTSB Blog started a serious MARKET RESEARCH.
I have contacted all ready recognizable brands with international representation and fame and even technology innovators from Taiwan.
In the upcoming weeks ITTSB email box will be highly active, ultimate goal this is the discovery of brands and products which deliver 99% satisfaction and happiness to consumers’.
WWW.ITTSB.EU   Industrial Test Tools Scoreboard  (Product Reviews Blog) / Editor in Chief.
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Offline Kiriakos GR

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This is an introduction about Laser distance meter and road-map of development.

LDM (Laser distance meter) this is technology which firstly appeared at about 2002.
Since 2002 and up to the year 2016, Laser diode alone this changed five generations speaking of technology development (RED Laser diode).

Unfortunately major chances between these five periods (Generations) which technology advanced they are hidden from vast majority of consumer eyes.
Generally speaking no one would like to buy OLD – Inaccurate and Slow measuring gadget within 2019.

One method about discovering the R&D generation of a LDM product this is by reading the fine print at product specifications’ documents.
Second method could be by looking at LDM models these capable to measure longer distances, by assuming that older LDM technology this was unable to succeed a measuring range over 40 metric meters.

Third method about you to avoid ending buying ancient LDM this is by looking for products at famous brands, and stick to a price point starting from 140 Euro including VAT.

Here ends the introduction for people not related to electronics.

For us with expertness at making electrical measurements’, we know well that measurement’ taken by digital meters this is science served by electronics.
We professionally working people we demand minimum measuring error among with a fast responding meter, maximum distance range this is also of importance.
LDM technology this is not limited to Laser diode development stage, this is just one portion of the sum.
One LDM this has also operating system, this can be primitive programming work or a modern version this including a GUI (Graphic User Interface).
Smartphones ANDROID this is a good example of one operating system with GUI.
LDM appearance, size of digits, push buttons quality and size, responsive operating system, crash proof, waterproof rate they are factors which they do influence LDM retail price.

The bright side at LDM development over the years, this is that nowadays expert consumers they will not be fooled and buy cheap Chinese LDM which using ancient technology with all it limitations.
Such ancient toys they are now available even at most Super Markets, next to carrots you may find LDM with range 10~30 meters at 20~40 Euro.

Now by leaving outside of my equation all those Low-End Toy-grade LDM, I did started exploring the sector or real modern tools and of the high-end ones.

Generally speaking, High-End LDM this is the one which exceeds the 100M range and this gets in the sector of range finders.
Such models they include a camera with Zoom function, as Laser beam aiming assistance.
Now such measuring gear this is for serving very few people, mostly the ones which they build buildings, they have different in size wallet from us (electricians) and yearly income.

The market over the years has now almost equalized regarding pricing at real modern LDM tools.
For example branded LDM (Good performers) from know brands with international footprint they are at the price range of 130~200 Euro.
LDM (Good performers) this is a small number of candidates’, this translates to no more than six products as worth buying ones within 2019.

My research so far (a theoretical) Side by side comparison of LDM (Good performers) made me realized that the number of actually flawless products these are no more than three.

Other area of my research this was discovering customer satisfaction degree regarding damaged tools within product warranty period.
And I did found complains targeting a European based brand.

My suggestion to all ITTSB readers this is you making your own market research prior giving your money.

Personally I am not planning to review any single product of this planet.
At the upcoming days I am about to discover willingness degree of marketing teams and brands regarding product promotion due LDM products reviews.
WWW.ITTSB.EU   Industrial Test Tools Scoreboard  (Product Reviews Blog) / Editor in Chief.
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Offline Kiriakos GR

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Slowly and steadily I am learning what makes one LDM to really measure-up  8)

Precision optics and a sturdy titanium inner housing .... this recipe gives to quality made LDM highest measuring range and longevity, so this retaining it measuring accuracy and calibration for several years.

With these news and because China this is not expert in Precision optics   we have only two options available,  first direction to follow this is to German / Swiss products or alternative direction to follow this is Japan.

WWW.ITTSB.EU   Industrial Test Tools Scoreboard  (Product Reviews Blog) / Editor in Chief.
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Offline liviu2004

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I bought one Leica DISTO D2, with bluetooth, range 100m, accuracy 1.5 mm, IP54. Pretty happy with it, used it for about a year and a bit now. It has an camera as well, to be able to see at distance, where the pointer is. Red lased, very bright. Plenty of functions.
Downside, to be able to recreate a 3D plan of a space, one needs to buy an Leica app for it.



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