For some time I was looking for a way to measure DC fan speed RPM, as this is read at every computer motherboard.
Occasionally I am in need to verify used DC fan over all condition, so this to become usable (reusable) at a new application.
Many DC fan with three wires and or four wires, them using Hydro-bearing, they have significantly longer life-cycle than other DC fan.
DC fan motor rotation speed this is measured in
RPM = Rotation Pen MinuteAn DC fan with third wire, this is output of square wave pulse, in the unit of time, an Oscilloscope will measure signal width and this is not useful for as with the expectation to measure the number of pulses occurred in the unit of time.
Bench top multimeter of advanced product design they come along with Math functions, but the most important at our application this is
MX+B .
By the activation of
Frequency measuring mode at Fluke 8846A (DMM4050) this will measure the frequency of square wave pulse as it does the oscilloscope too.
Our goal this is to measure amount of square wave pulse in the unit of time.
Time = 60 seconds at every single minute =
RPM Oscilloscope and quality multimeter will do that HZ measurement by calculating plain signal repeat ability and will measure single square wave pulse as this to be a square block with two sides.
At the application of RPM measurement circuit, this is after frequency measurement too, but of total amount of pulses per minute.
And therefore our much more expensive measuring gear this now requiring a math compensation function,
so this to ignore double triggers counting and the measurement to become equal to what an RPM meter dedicated circuit will deliver.
At the
Linear Equation MX+B We need to alter
MX+B in half value than 60 seconds per minute.
MX+B value should now become 30 seconds per minute.
Compensation can be saved at one of five available
Store to memory positions at Fluke 8846A, and this be activated when ever you need it.
Linear Equation MX+B this is about X and Y lines, by the use of it at our multimeter, we convert actual measured frequency in to occurrence of lines in the unit of time.
While both Fluke 8846A (DMM4050) they offer tremendously rich display resolution at frequency measurement, what we should now compensate by the use of our eyes, this is amount of digits of interest.
Application example: DC Fan product code XXX1225 this has known power related specifications and highest RPM this is 3600 (this be defined at 12V or 13.8V DC) according the datasheet.
Therefore at Fluke 8846A display (screen) only first four digits they should be taken in to account.

PC DC fan with four wires they include Pulse modulation input, and an
external benchtop functions generator this can used as source of such a signal.
The combination of Fluke 8846A along with a functions generator, this is the ultimate test bed for inspection of four wires (Four Pin) DC fan at
it entire RPM range. 
I am currently working at making
my own RPM control and RPM measurement project box - this be dedicated to DC fan inspection, this including all popular DC fan PCB connectors.