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Author Topic: Digital oscilloscope screen - Response time - similar performance to FPS  (Read 6467 times)

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Offline Kiriakos GR

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I got teased to explore product sector of 8" TFT LCD SVGA color display.
And especially to find if they are out there faster ones at response time.

I would assume that a company, digital oscilloscope manufacturer, it would use the fastest possible TFT (800 × 600 SVGA) over an oscilloscope.

My research this ended within an hour, all such TFT screen they have a typical 15ms and 20ms (pixel on and off) specification.
At my GDS-2102A, GW Instek mentioning at Waveform Display:  Dots, vectors, variable persistence (16ms~10s), infinite persistence.

20ms this represents the frequency of 50Hz,  and this translates TFT screen maximum frames per second = 50 FPS
Now we have to think that one Oscilloscope this is an device which should perform a measurement, data collection and then a calculation, and finally to deliver the results on screen (waveform points along measurements).
Unfortunately we are unable to measure or calculate even by proximity, of what is the actual FPS that an oscilloscope this is capable to deliver.
The only solid data than we can keep as a fact, this is the theoretical maximum of 50 FPS (TFT specification) , and of getting lower FPS than that, from an screen over an Oscilloscope as real time review.

Digital Oscilloscopes do some cheating so to earn speed, voltage measurement this is using only three digits = 1.00V (resolution example).
Digital Oscilloscope input this is limited to accept 300V Peak to Peak (1X probe setting) = 100V RMS

FLUKE 8846A this succeed six measurements per second at 50Hz, but at four digit analysis (or five digits analysis when this logging with PC software).
HIOKI DT4282 this seems capable to deliver four measurements per second at 50Hz, but at five digit analysis with HZ measurement on (dual measurement mode).

Unfortunately there is no any PC software that I could perform data logging by the use of GDS-2102A, so to have logged proofs of it measurements per second actual number.     
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