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Author Topic: Fluke 8846A & 8845A: Best use of Front & Rear Banana inputs (switch selector)  (Read 7127 times)

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Offline Kiriakos GR

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 I did become owner of my Fluke 8846A at February 21 2019.
Today, almost three years later, I do still discover best usage of it features.  :)

Fluke 8846A & 8845A both have an mechanical switch selector, this serving the selection of Front banana plugs or Rear banana plugs.
Fluke never wrote any application examples of how this functionality will benefit the user.

Approximately five years ago I did read one comment (complain), that actual electrical copper contacts of this F/R selector they were burned (damaged).
This user was so smart  :P, so to use the current input (banana plugs) and the F/R banana SW, as ON/OFF power switch for the device under test.
First logical thought of an expert user, this is the F/R banana SW about this to serve as test leads selector.
And or,
This to serve at the occasion in which you need Front banana for test leads and Rear banana plugs these wired to a DUT (voltage source or other).

In my case I did find good use of this F/R banana SW, when I was in need to measure DC voltage directly at PSU output (DUT), along at the side of the DC load input.
Side of DC load this includes losses them caused due the length of transfer wires (ATX PSU).
a) Such an electrical measurement and comparison serves at the accurate calculation of power efficiency factor.   
b) You may evaluate DC voltage losses caused due specific wiring in use between PSU and DC Load, in the magnitude of mV DC.

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