I wish to thanks
PICO Technology UK, for the sponsored sample of TA189 AC/DC oscilloscope current probe !!
https://www.picoauto.com/products//current-clamps/30-a-large-jaw-current-clampTA189 probe:DC to 100kHz
Typical output noise level ....200uV R.M.S.
Resolution ............................. ±1mA
Response time ............. better than 1uS
Intro: Since the moment that I did engage with pulsing PSU power consumption measurements, by the use of my Oscilloscope, I came across of a major challenge and this is no other than probe noise VS oscilloscope dynamic range.
My older current probe this is
Chauvin Arnoux PAC12, good performance at measuring medium to higher current quantities, first range 200mA ~ 60A & 600A.
Measuring of current this is easy with clamp probes when they are connected over a multimeter.
But the delivery of a clean waveform at the oscilloscope screen, this is a challenge that my PAC12 this failed to succeed at low currents.
I did try to multiply the incoming current by the use of coils, 10X it did help but not much, then I did try 20X and even a 50X and the improvement it was significant, but not good enough.
Phase shift calculation this requiring two clean waveform of voltage and current.
And both probes, voltage differential along AC/DC current probe, they should be as perfect as possible.
Especially if the application this is measurement and calculation of
Standby power at the magnitude of 100mA and or lower.
PICO Technology UK,This is a company working at the production of USB portable oscilloscopes, they have models up to 12bit resolution.
PICO Technology, has it focus at car diagnostic systems.
Therefore they do develop oscilloscopes, but at the same time and relative software for automotive troubleshooting.
Newest developed cars, they include several electronic circuits, at power-off, the car deactivates active circuits in steps, and several seconds later the consumption will fall down to a few mA.
In case of any electronic circuit damage, current consumption stay high, and such current leakage this will eventually discharge the car battery.
TA189 100kHz AC/DC clamp probe, this is distributed by PICO Technology, as the best solution of tool this to measure current leakage, by the use of multimeter along of BNC to banana adapter, and or directly when this is connected at BNC input of one oscilloscope.
Additionally PICO Technology as oscilloscope developer, it is well aware of what is probe noise, and so their offering of model TA189 it includes best worlds of Low Noise and highly sensitive for low current measurements.
December 27 2022, This is arrival date of the probe.
And here are my first pack of demonstration photographs.

Testing results and other details will follow soon.