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Author Topic: Ebay EU - How much it worth a Used Seasonic Prime TX Titanium PSU ?  (Read 4885 times)

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Offline Kiriakos GR

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Seasonic Prime TX Titanium power supply, while this is top class of a power supply in our times, it can not get a high resale pricing as used.

Every beginning of December,  our youth in Europe makes plans for fresh computer hardware upgrades.
The richer one's are in rush to kill their two years old hardware and or to upgrade just the graphic card at what ever is considered as Top FPS delivery engine.
Industry thinks all Gamer as their target audience, and constant marketing brainwash this is shared by several web-forum and YouTube.

The good quality power supply has three major offerings which these justify it high price.
a) Stable power delivery DC rails
b) High energy efficiency
c) Significant robustness = This serving for many years (five or more).

Seasonic offer up to 12 years of warranty at their Titanium ( Technology of 2017~2023).


This period of time I did some eBay EU research about second hand Seasonic Titanium TX at the popular wattage of 700 / 750 / 850 Watt.
And I did realize that second hand market this has severe issues.
Most people trying to sell two years old used Seasonic Titanium at half of 2023 retail price, and still they cannot find buyers ...     

For example Used TX750 Titanium, this able to run RTX4090 with out PSU stress,  it was offered for 120 Euro (10 years remaining warranty) and it can not find a buyer.
Other example Used TX850 Titanium for 150 Euro, and this seller he is also unable to find a buyer.

Other example Used 1300 Watt Seasonic Gold, this offered at almost 130 Euro, and no buyers.


In conclusion, when you are shopping for high quality computers hardware as NEW, never expect that others will appreciate, later on,  your own investment at the market of used goods.
Generally speaking, all consumers which do WISE long term planing of how long they are going to keep their desktop PC internals, they end up as winners.
From the other hand, young people with poor making decisions always lose much more money when selling used goods.

For the ones who did not pay much of attention at ITTSB Blog product review of Seasonic Prime TX Titanium PSU, they lost an also valuable clue.
It is also a huge mistake to miscalculate your needs and buy OVERSIZED  PSU, because when your desktop PC cannot load enough PSU  DC rails ,  the PSU cannot get in the mode of high efficiency,  and you pay more at your electricity bill when gaming. 

The year 2023 this is just the starting point of a new era in Europe, this era has to do with appliances energy consumption this becoming Number One issue for all households.
Titanium level of PSU electrical efficiency, this is first step at the right direction.
Second step this is wise selection of PSU wattage.
Titanium level of PSU electrical efficiency = more available watt for the PC to use, from a PSU labelled as 750 Watt.
An high in efficiency PSU this has a greater reserve of available energy so to handle even energy spikes caused due CPU and or the graphics card.

So here in my advice,  two labeled PSU as 750W, the one with Platinum efficiency this has a greater reserve of wattage to deliver.
Seasonic its not the only contender at high efficiency PSU,  but for the ones aiming power efficiency along longevity ? The you can not overlook their offerings.
At that class of PSU,  the old saying that PSU wastes power converting it in heat, this is dead.
TX 700 fan-less this is a good example of why modern PSU all less depended about active cooling.  ;)
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