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Author Topic: BRYMEN BM869s revision of 2023 & Communication errors with BC-86P USB adapter  (Read 5192 times)

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Offline Kiriakos GR

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BRYMEN Taiwan confirmed that there is an issue with latest revision of BM869s (year 2023+)  HH DMM, with their BC-86P USB adapter.

At the process of data-logging the DMM causes communication errors, the smoking gun is the LED communication diode over the multimeter.
As it seems to be more powerful than needed.

Basically the one to blame here is BRYMEN, they did use a substitute component (communication LED diode) with out them making correct math about actual compatibility with their own BC-86P USB adapter.

BRYMEN Corporation suggested two solutions.
a) The customer to replace a resistor within the DMM ( this is the hilarious one)  :P   
b) The use of a piece of sticky tape (non transparent one) over the DMM communication port.
Or on top of white LED at the side of USB adapter.


Several years ago, I was strong supporter of BRYMEN brand, but their Human Error issues are now start to pile up.
Its totally unreasonable BM869 and BM869S when both has communication capability, their firmware to not be upgrade able.
Several bugs detected over the years and nothing can be solved.     
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