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Author Topic: Hakko AS5000 Sensor Review VS the old 191-212 Sensor  (Read 15801 times)

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Hakko AS5000 Sensor Review VS the old 191-212 Sensor
« on: April 08, 2024, 12:52:27 PM »
Hakko recently replaced old design of 191-212 Sensor with AS5000 Sensor.

Most to all times in a product review, actual product sample required for a close inspection, but not in this case.

Hakko marketing started talking in favor of AS5000, as this to be their next BIG THING.
I am very sorry Hakko, I do not see any magic in this new design, other than it footprint if this thing does not properly recycled when goes bad.

Just a careful visual inspection, will prove that AS5000 this not have any magical properties.
All that there is in there, it is a simple pair of thermocouple wire which has a different placement over the thermometer.

And also there is to it one washer of fireproof material, which this will lower the temperature recovery time of the sensor.
I can also describe this fireproof washer, as add-on heatsink or a cooling radiator.

I also think that measurement precision marketing of Hakko in favor of AS5000 as a simple firework.
Thermocouple wire this is standardized at production factory, then it sold by the kilogram.

Hakko AS5000 Sensor Review

It appears that previews manufacturing process of old 191-212 Sensor this were leaving some room for error.
191-212 Sensor this is just two pieces of thermocouple wire,  and  the way that this would be anchored ( twisted pairs), it can not be uniform all times.

In order to make a number of ten identically manufactured 191-212 Sensor it is required high precision machinery too,  and production site inspection so the customer to not receive product with defects.
In the case of AS5000 Sensor, its obvious that Hakko looked their own benefit as first, of a more easy manufacturing process for them.
And now they toss away their manufacturing cost at the side of consumer.

Therefore and in conclusion, YES identically formed sensor they do deliver identical results, even with out thinking electrical calibration.
Its all about identical use of thermocouple wire length,  identical use of thermocouple wire termination (end to end), and the identical dimensions of this fireproof washer.

Unfortunately for Hakko,  thermocouple wire specification alone, the best ones has +/- 1.2 C or percent of error.
And most Hakko thermometer these has +/- 3.0 C or percent of error.

This is a total of  +/- 4.2 C or percent of error.     

Example at 400C (+/- 4.2 % of error)
400 + 16.8 = 416,8 Celsius
and or
400 - 16.8 = 395,8 Celsius

I am glad that Hakko dare to speak of electrical calibration,  because my math producing an total of Error window of  21 Celsius  :P
While electronic component manufacturer they require Error at soldering temperature of 10 Celsius as max.


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Today I have test data from a very high in importance comparison.  :)

Just tested a fresh and unused 10 sensor pack, so to inspect of how they compare to its other.
The pack while this has correct Hakko front printing logo, this is not original product, I wrote this and before, specific packaging this is EOL from Hakko since 2016.

In the positive side of things, both branded as Hakco or Hakko (Chinese made) blister small pack (with no printing at the back of the blue card), they are both include well-made and identical sensor.

The term sensor error, this is relevant to quality of thermocouple wire that the factory chooses to use so to make a sensor (thermocouple wire specifications).

Here I have discover something else, and this is measured error speaking of sensor final product inspection and or QC = Quality Control

Due the fact that nowadays AI this stealing technical content from Blog and forum, in defend to that, I will simple present three photographs of my testing, that you may analyze them and calculate by yourself the deviation between a pack of ten sensor.
Room temperature this is recorded too.
For a better comparison, I did test and another slightly used sensor which I will name this as sensor Number eleven.

In summary I am very happy with my test results, as there is no indication that sensor assembly process just by itself, this can cause any significant error.

My advice, you better test and inspect any fresh ordered sensor pack before storing it, mostly for inspection of mechanical specifications error than measuring error.    ;)
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Excellent myth busting testing results 8)



Offline Kiriakos GR

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Re: Hakko AS5000 Sensor Review VS the old 191-212 Sensor
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2024, 08:41:15 PM »
According to latest Hakko product bulletin .. PB470 
Issue Date: 29-4-2024
Effective Date: 29-4-2024
Specification Change for FG-100B, FG-101B,and AS5000

All Hakko thermometer will be delivered by including  AS5000 Sensor.

And about HAKKO 191-212 Sensor, will be available for as long as stock last.

While this is newest marketing move of  HAKKO, personally I still have answered questions.  ???

About old 191-212 Sensor, we knew that : Temperature sensor 191-212 can only be used to measure temperatures
below 500°C (932°F).
(While true safe limit according to thermocouple wire specifications alone, this is at 420C as Max).
And human logic alone this will advice as to perform calibration at 400C and bellow, so the sensor to have a much longer service life. 

There is no similar advice / specification for the AS5000.
A single relative HAKKO technical document, this demonstrate sensor repeatability testing chart at the range of 350 Celsius, and there is no mention about safe as Max limit (advice / specification).
According to HAKKO planing,  in the near future, any loyal HAKKO customer will be aware exclusively of AS5000 sensor.
It might work as option for corporate customers, but retail customers they will always look back at the cost effective solution of Made in China 191-212 Sensor.

My very own thoughts:
If we also limit testing temperature of 191-212 sensor at 350C, then it service life also extends much further.
By me watching the above YouTube video (at my first message), its obvious that AS5000 this require a longer period of time so to cool-down in comparison to 191-212 sensor.
Key marketing points of HAKKO = easy to install + longer service life , I do not finding these as convincing enough so NEW sensor retail price to be justified.

But we should not forget, that HAKKO never sold their pack of  their 191-212 Sensor cheaply.
HAKKO does pricing and other comparisons, of their own HAKKO packaged products.
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