For many years I own a CAMEDIA C-220 as a spare digital camera (since 2010).
Long story in short, it was an eBay offering of this C220 with a pile of Smartmedia cards, and I did place my bid, mostly to get the pack of Smartmedia storage cards.
Because the news was that Smartmedia cards these will be face out from the market.
Camedia C-220 and D520Z this is a brother model (US Market), they are digital cameras shown in the market at 2002.
While I do use my C2100UZ as top horse, this is sensitive to Infrared and it has issues when I take pictures of red LED display.
Today I did tested my Camedia C-220 at the same task, and this is performing much better.
Tech specs: OLYMPUS CAMEDIA C-220Z
Firmware: 83-1056
My quick web search search about it (nowadays), drive me over a myth that this camera does not connect over Windows 7 and 64bit operating systems, due a USB cable.
While back in time, these cameras
are from the fist supporting driver-less connectivity to any PC.
In my surprise, my C220 were detected by the USB cable, and become a disk drive, with out the camera to be powered up.
While at the battery compartment, I did had two AA cells installed.
Just for test I did open the battery door = no power at all, and the camera lost connection from the USB.
Windows system detection ID:
And more proofs at the photographs bellow.
In conclusion.
OLYMPUS CAMEDIA C-220 this might be today another model from the portfolio of OLYMPUS Digital Japan.
But this is a 2MP camera, and by a bit of manual settings tweaking, this can take excellent photographs.
It is interesting that in my case, White balance setting for indoor lights, this worked better than the setting for Fluorescent lamp.
While for outdoor photographs, the default automatic settings work well.
The only problem that I find, this is the tiny active view finder at the back, my C2100UZ has double in dimensions one.
And its more comfortable to work and use.