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Author Topic: Wide Jaw Kelvin Lead Set Pomona 6730 - UEI ATL190 - ZIBOO LC02  (Read 992 times)

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Wide Jaw Kelvin Lead Set Pomona 6730 - UEI ATL190 - ZIBOO LC02
« on: February 13, 2025, 07:57:31 PM »
This is a quick history fact, about Wide Jaw Kelvin Lead Set this originally made by Pomona, product model 6730.
Pomona designed this product with attention to detail, so this to serve at the application of electronic cable length meter.

In a later time, UEi Test Instruments, with manufacturing line in Korea, they come up with Cable Length Meter CLM100.
UEI ATL190 this is model number of their four wire leads.
Cable Length Meter CLM100, this did not won any market share, because this has poor measuring resolution at Low ohm measurements.

In the past five years (or so), someone at eBay, he is trading UEI ATL190 leads, as rebranded to ZIBOO LC02.
ZIBOO LC02 this is advertised now as LCR meter leads.

In the world of test and measurement, for anything there is a solid explanation.
Test leads made for LCR, they can be manufactured by dissimilar metals.
But test leads made for precision resistor meters, they are obligated to follow strict standards = they are more expensive, due the higher quality of the materials in use for end to end.

In conclusion:
Pomona 6730 this is not documented properly, if this is made by precision resistor measurements in mind.
UEI ATL190, this is simply a choice of using Pomona 6730 leads design, in to another application.
ZIBOO LC02, externally this seems as 100% replication of UEI ATL190.

But in the end, without having tested all three products, there is no chance for any safe conclusions.
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