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Author Topic: Tube Tester  (Read 10062 times)

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Offline giavra

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Tube Tester
« on: November 15, 2012, 07:49:56 PM »
Today I try to make a search about a tubes tester,you know that old strange box with many holes that can someone use it as a vase for flowers :D ,many pages of net is dedicated in a the old instrument and i can't find any site about a new product of that kind of unit's.It is understandable that the user that hold a tube amplifiers is more lesser that the owner's of solid state amplifier,and this is a point that all manufacturer's know well .It is petty thing that the old valve kingdom is down.But most curious thing is many that kind of tester's devices sold as used via ebay with over a 50 year's old at their's back.Many it is unit's before or after the WWII,can anyone imagine why someone trust  to buy and use that old unit's and make a measurement  over his tubes.After so many year's the calibration form's of the unit's  expires  ,and all of this because no one make a tube tester in now day's.What a petty :'(

Offline Kiriakos GR

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Re: Tube Tester
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2012, 10:06:32 PM »
I have next to me one RSD PL95 and I have no one to hand it over even for free.  :)
At my past, long way back, I was using tubes for making  FM broadcasts transmitters,
and we made rich the guy who was selling tubes and spare parts in our town.

Tubes and sound systems was always one less attractive commercial sector.
It is not a wonder that the industry of today abandoned this sector.

Tubes for high power FM VHF radio bands, are still circulating, but most countries are passing now to digital radio, Greece is an exception even to that.

It is interesting the fact, that one new factory started to make tubes in Russia in our days.
And probably it will make some money, because now days there is no other options.

I have see tube testers, it was not that much for measurements, I would rather say that was good mostly to use them as one simulator.
The quick way to test and see if the problem is the tube or the circuitry.
Another use of the tube tester was to find matching pairs of tubes for preamp s.

Calibration reports about tube testers?
Those tube testes was so expensive that it was owned mostly by companies who was making repairs,
all of those people are now retirements.

I do understand your hallow of frustration  :)  about something that you love which is not supported today, but I have no other cure than a red glass of wine. 

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Offline giavra

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Re: Tube Tester
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2012, 05:48:18 AM »
Yes a glass of wine is a good way to handle that  :).



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