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Author Topic: APC Smart-UPS SUA1000XL | Amazing quality as inverter  (Read 16649 times)

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Offline Kiriakos GR

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APC Smart-UPS SUA1000XL | Amazing quality as inverter
« on: July 16, 2014, 08:21:07 PM »
After getting my Oscilloscope and my differential probe I did become capable to see and verify the output of any inverter, and my joy about this fact it is now beyond measure. 8)

This APC Smart-UPS SUA1000XL belongs to me since 27/7/2004 and now that is ten years later, I can finally say that those cash for it was well spend.
And I am talking about it quality as inverter.

My testing today shown that 220V Mains was have worst quality than the output of the APC Smart-UPS.

By my opinion there are lots of strong harmonics in the sine wave peak points, and the point is that definably there is no present any load in my building causing this.

Regarding my SUA1000XL in 30/3/2009 I did replace the batteries inside by using PANASONIC cells and more specifically by their specific product code LC-XD1217PG which has ten years stand-by life.
In 2009 Panasonic was offering the same type of battery with three options regarding life expectancy as four years or Six years or Ten years.
I did not scared of the price difference and I acted smart by finding new stock in Germany (six months old since production).

Another tip that I like to share is about the connector for connecting additional battery packs to SUA1000XL, it name is Anderson SB50 and it cost much less as single part.
The ones that I got before few years are gray in color.
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Offline Kiriakos GR

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Re: APC Smart-UPS SUA1000XL | Amazing quality as inverter
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2015, 11:58:40 PM »
By this update I wish to offer a bit of information which possibly this will save you some cash when using this UPS XL version.
This monster has external plug so other battery boxes to be connected in a chain.

Never though to measure it charging current and I did that today, by a huge surprise this found to be limited at 9A ...... according to most 12V 17A lead acid specifications their recommended charging current is half than what this UPS it is limited to.

A bit of further research made me to understand that the most healthily battery configuration for it, is this to be used with at least one external battery pack connected to it, so it charging current this to be shared at both battery packs.

Now in case that you need to avoid using several 12V 17Ah battery packs, another and Ideal solution is to build your own pack with two 12V 36Ah cells.
Most or all  12V 36Ah cells comes with charging current specification of 10~12A and this is even higher than what SUA 1000 XL it can deliver, eventually with such a power pack I would expect and a even more prolonged life cycle of such a battery pack.

In my case those Panasonic 17Ah with 10 years life cycle they did collapsed in 6,5 years, and even with out my UPS to engage in any power failure, this translates that them was always topped up, and that the charger of my SUA 1000XL  did not have the opportunity to give them a hard time.

by testing right now another battery pack with two 12V 36Ah cells, and by performing UPS calibration, I am now gained three hours run-time on battery which this is great news.
Charging current started at 9A but in a minute or two this stabilized to 8A for an hour or so, before this starts dropping to a lower value.
I got a picture as souvenir. ;)
WWW.ITTSB.EU   Industrial Test Tools Scoreboard  (Product Reviews Blog) / Editor in Chief.
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Offline Kiriakos GR

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Re: APC Smart-UPS SUA1000XL | Amazing quality as inverter
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2024, 11:46:44 AM »
This is news for me.
Twenty years later I have now discover that a decent UPS manufacturer he should inform consumers about actual Power Factor (PF) delivery due its model.

I have now to thanks Vincent P. Luciani, Sr. Sales Engineer, AMETEK Electronic Systems Protection.
For the delivery of the white paper: Understanding Power Factor and Crest Factor  (3/2019)
After reading this, I started immediately asking my self of what is the Power Factor (PF) delivery of my loved SUA1000XL?
At my surprise, this information is excluded from all documentation offered due APC, a flagship brand of Schneider Electric.

The information found at another website, and now I am aware that my SUA1000XL deliver AC power at PF 0.8
Best pure sine-wave APC made UPS this has PF 0.9

And about modified sine wave UPS, they can deliver PF 0.6 at their best.

Naturally another method so any one to discover PF delivery of any UPS, this to use a digital power meter analyzer of some elevated price point.
And to measure delivered PF at several loading conditions.
In any case and at such testing, be careful do not overload the UPS regarding Max AC Current delivery this specified at product label.   ;)
WWW.ITTSB.EU   Industrial Test Tools Scoreboard  (Product Reviews Blog) / Editor in Chief.
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